The Rail Philatelist Greeting Page |
Dear Train and/or Trolley Collector:
WELCOME! If you are interested in railway philately or railroad paper memorabilia you have come to the right web site. I have spent the last 30+ years (over 20 as a dealer) accumulating the largest stock of such material anywhere! Unfortunately I still don't have it all organized well enough to offer it all at this time, but I am constantly adding new items and areas to my web page as well as to my show stock. So if you don't find what you are looking for now, come back in a couple weeks to see what has been added or send your special requests to railphilatelist@aol.com . Want lists are welcome too! The major areas of this site are pretty much self explanatory so enjoy exploring them all. But first, please read the rest of this letter - thank you and happy hunting.
My stamp price lists are separated into alphabetical sections and some countries to facilitate downloading on the Internet and also so I can create and update them in smaller sections. I have also added first day covers to the stamp lists. You can get automatic email notification of updates by clicking the "envelope" icon on the pages that interest you. There should be items here for novices and specialists alike. Enjoy reviewing these lists. I look forward to filling your order and to helping you build your collections! All orders over $28 receive 10% off the prices listed.
Several major train stamp and cover collections have been acquired in the past few months which included numerous specialty items such as the many IMPERFORATES you'll find in the lists. The items listed here are only a small sampling of the thousands of specialized train and trolley items currently in stock. However, the more unusual items seem to sell quickly at stamp and train shows. While you really should see me at a show to appreciate my extensive stock of train and trolley stamps, covers (express, RPOs, FDCs & events), postcards, cinderellas, stock certificates, paper memorabilia and specialty items, I'll do my best to fill your needs and wants via mail order - my entire stock is as close as your mailbox so if you don't find what you are looking for in these lists, send me your want list. Remember, only items I have in quantity ever make these lists - the items in short supply go to want lists or show buyers - first come, first served. Virtually every railway stamp listed in Norman Wright's WORLD RAILWAYS PHILATELIC and it's annual supplements is in stock. If there were items on my previous lists you wanted but don't find on these lists, send a want list - I may still have one or two in stock.
Unfortunately I still haven't been able to make time to prepare separate lists for RPOs, postcards and miscellaneous railway items. While I have reduced my show schedule compared to my early years, shows are still the best source of new and unusual material. I look forward to meeting each of you in my coast-to-coast travels - check my show schedule to see when I'll be near you. I am always buying so if you have any railway material to sell or trade (even single sets!), give me an opportunity to make you an offer!
Please add $1.50 postage/handling on orders under $25.00. Because of increasing bankcard fees and restrictions, MASTERCARD or VISA can now only be accepted for orders over $30.00. Include all raised information (number & expiration date) and your signature. I also now accept PAYPAL for email orders and orders directly from my web pages. If INSURANCE is desired add $2.30 up to $100.00, above that I pay the insurance.
Thank you in advance for your order - you will be pleased both with the quality of the items you receive and the service provided. I am working hard to earn your business - allow me the opportunity to serve your collecting needs! If a problem does arise, please e-mail railphilatelist@aol.com or call me at 1-800-807-RAIL, access code 77. NOTE: telephone orders are not accepted since there is no one to handle them when I am on show travel and the answer machine only has a 5 minute memory before it writes over previous messages. I look forward to filling your mail order! If you don't see what you want here, send a want list - I've got THE items to set your collection apart!
Thank you for your interest,